Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Big Decisions!

 Lately we have been trying to decide on some pretty big things. Things that will impact our family greatly! With a lot of praying and talking we finally came up with an answer.. First, some background info........
  This Friday marks six years that we've been a Navy family. Yes, that means that if Wayne hadn't re-enlisted 4 years ago, we would be done with the Navy life this week. That's crazy to think. We added an additional two years (cancelled the last contract and made a new one of 6 years), thought we would finish up that time, get a job outside of the Navy, move wherever that job took us (we know that Indiana may not be an option and are prepared to move wherever we need to go), and start our lives there. Well, Wayne had to extend his current contract by a few months making it 3 years left in to be able to move back to SC for shore duty. We've been talking about what we're going to do next. We weighed our options

STAY IN~(PROS)  a set paycheck(increasing every year and as he advances), great insurance, meeting so many great people
(CONS) moving when told even if it's last minute, changing the girls' schools each time, still away from family

GET OUT~ (PROS) able to settle in one area where we find jobs and buy a house, might be closer to family, possibly making more
(CONS) maybe not getting a job right away, having to pay for insurance

Wayne has always told me since day one that if I ever decide I don't like this life anymore, we're getting out as soon as his contract is up and he won't re-enlist again. I have always loved that about him. He takes my feelings into consideration and realizes that we are both part of the Navy, in different ways, but we both serve.

We have decided to re-enlist! Yep, that means at least another 6 years in. We still aren't sure if it will be a career or not, but we will decide whether or not to re-enlist again when that time comes.

That was the first, and biggest decision we had to make. The other was since we're getting two leave periods this year.. When are we going to go home to visit? Originally we were only getting one this summer and were going to go home then. Now that we're getting two, we are planning a family vacation this summer and waiting until around Christmas to go home. As always, visitors are welcome to come here anytime!

About Me

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Like the title says, I am just me! I created this blog several years ago as a way to put my thoughts down on "paper". I have come back to it from time to time, but lately I find myself thinking about more and more things to write. If it inspires you...great, if not, that's ok too. I'm Just Being Me!!
