Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I've been blogging on myspace, but thought it was time to try this. I love expressing myself in writing and this is alot easier than keeping a journal on paper. So...here goes!
I've been making a list of goals since this year started, not New Year's Resolutions, cause those don't work. I mean actual goals that I WILL accomplish:)
My first goal is to be the best mom that I can be. I have two beautiful daughters who I love with all my heart. They are the reason I am alive and look forward to getting out of bed each morning. Alexis is almost 5 yrs old and Kayla is almost 3 yrs old. I wouldn't be who I am without my kids.
My second goal is to be the best wife that I can be. I am a Navy wife. Any military wife will tell you that it's a hard job. I love it and am very proud of my sailor, but there's work that goes into that. Wayne is the love of my life. When we met, I wasn't sure what would come of it, neither of us were. He'd already joined the military and I accepted that. We were meant to be together. I love him more today than the day I married him almost 4 years ago!
Third, to be a great daughter of God.. I am a Christian and proud to say it:) I pray everyday, at least twice, I have great friends who have the same beliefs that I do, and I love God. There are things I can be doing to make myself a better Christian, and that's what this goal is for!
And the last... To love myself. I have always had a confidence problem. There were times when I've felt better than others, but even then I wanted to be better. I have been going to a gym, eating better, only drinking water now (anyone who knows me, knows I've always hated water and never drank it), watching everything I eat, and working out at home as well. Between the sun tanning me already and working out, I am beginning to feel better. I still have a little way to go before my goal look, but I am working at it.
I'll update my progress as it happens, as well as new blogs about anything that comes to mind:)

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About Me

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Like the title says, I am just me! I created this blog several years ago as a way to put my thoughts down on "paper". I have come back to it from time to time, but lately I find myself thinking about more and more things to write. If it inspires you...great, if not, that's ok too. I'm Just Being Me!!
