Monday, April 16, 2012

A fresh Start

That's the size I want to be again ~~~~~>
I am so excited to announce that I joined the gym today!! I've always said that I'd never let myself go, that I'd always work hard to look how I wanted. Well, when you have three kids and a hubby who is home for a week and gone for months at a time, it's hard to put yourself first. Not anymore, I am doing this not only for me but for my husband and kids too.
When I had Lexi I bounced back (almost the exact same size) right away. I took kickboxing classes once a week, and felt great. The day I got married I felt wonderful. Once I had Kayla it was harder to lose. Then we moved again, I stopped going to the gym, got pregnant with Natalie and haven't done anything since. Well, she's 8 months old now and it's time to get back to me!!
I kicked butt today, have my first appointment with my trainer tomorrow (we'll meet three times in the first month and then once a month til we move) We'll do weight and measurments as well as the first hardcore workout she puts together for me. I know I'll be hurting, but I can't wait.
Wayne and I are having a "contest" to see who can lose the most weight over deployment. (he thinks he'll win) We weighed ourselves the night before they left and will the night they get back. I am so excited to beat him on this:)
Starting tomorrow, it's a whole new me. Only healthy foods, working out at the gym everyday, taking walks or working out at home as well.
I'm ready for my fresh start!


  1. You can do it and you are going to feel amazing!!

  2. Good luck! I'm sure you're going to do great. Can I borrow some of your motivation? lol


About Me

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Like the title says, I am just me! I created this blog several years ago as a way to put my thoughts down on "paper". I have come back to it from time to time, but lately I find myself thinking about more and more things to write. If it inspires you...great, if not, that's ok too. I'm Just Being Me!!
